
Not all humans are intelligent enough to go for a walk with their cat, but a few are. They mostly need training. They want to be in charge and you have to firmly let them know they are not. Here's a few tips to upgrade your human's performance.

  • Find a spot under a bush and hunker down for a while. Force them to wait and wait and wait.
  • Make a dash for a butterfly or a frog - catch them off balance and force them to run to keep up with you.
  • Make mean faces and growl when their friends show up, especially if there is a dog. You can just ignore the bigger ones, but it's kind of fun to start chasing the really tiny ones! Embarrasses the human, too - fun!Part 2: Get away from the leash - it's not that hard, especially on bumpy terrain. They will be trying to catch up with you but humans are sooo clumsy. Enjoy watching them try and catch you!